Thursday 15 December 2016

Hello everyone! Happy holidays! Long time no see, and for a reasons. Updating to newer engine version, making love with skeletal meshes, new dota update.

With new engine, I had to rollback a few hacks related to 3D interface, and make a new system to work, which looks very promising. It pleasure to see, that VR made EpicGames work toward 3D interfaces, which we have plenty.

The biggest new thing that I was working on, was upgrade system, which allow to buy, and replace shelves, fridges, ATMs, and other interior objects in the shop.

Furthermore two cash register mini-games were created, which we will show, when they will look decent.

All this time, Cmb was engaged in passionate love with animation retargeting, between Blender and Unreal, and he's still in a bad shape after that.

Wishing you a good Holidays! Huge thanks for your attention, and all the best to you! [holiday smile]

Normal, signing out.

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